EPFL, Lausanne
5 th March 2021
Invitation Letter
Dear Dr. Wenfeng Zhang,
NIST is hosting a workshop on "domain-specific modeling languages for manufacturing
and similar cyber-physical systems" next month. The virtually-held workshop takes the
form of presentations and a round-table discussion. In consideration of your very
noteworthy work in the area, we would be delighted if you were to provide a keynote
address at the workshop. We had in mind a 20 minutes presentation. We would be
appreciating that you would be invited as one keynote speaker in our online workshop.
Please let us know if you would be willing to do this or have questions about the
The schedule is shown as follow:
1. Keynote speakers (20 minutes):
• Prof. Dov Dori Technion and MIT
• Prof. Wenfeng Zhang
2. Presentation:
• Dr. Jinzhi Lu EPFL
• Dr. David Cameron NIO
• Miss. Jingqi Chen BIT
• Mrs. Rebeca Rubi AIRBUS
• Mr. James Logan Dassault
Further information: https://www.nist.gov/news-events/events/2021/04/2021-model-
Workshop Organizers:
• Peter Denno, Workshop Chair and primary point of contact,
• Serm Kulvatunyou, boonserm.kulvatunyou@nist.gov
• Jinzhi Lu, jinzhi.lu@epfl.ch
• Dimitris Kiritsis, dimitris.kritsis@epfl.ch